(03) 5981 4765 secretary@sbdmensshed.com

We're back !

Starting Tuesday 9th June 2020 we invite all who would like to attend to come along to the Shed, subject to an absolute limit of 20 members plus 3 committee, ie no more than 23 in the Shed at any time.
The workshop will be open for normal use subject to the wearing of gloves by everyone in the workshop, and of course social distancing of 1.5 metres between members.

This is how it will work.
To avoid congestion in the kitchen area, the front door will remain locked. Entrance will be via the side door, next to the dust extraction enclosure. The attendance sheet will be located on a table inside that door. Please enter your arrival and departure times with your own pen and put your $2.00 in the tin.
Using the digital thermometer provided, please take your temperature by pointing the device at your forehead, 1- 10 cm from your forehead, and press the trigger for about 1 second. The thermometer will beep and display your temperature. It should be around 36 degrees. If your temperature is more than 37.5 degrees you are approaching fever and should go home immediately.
Gloves will also be available at the sign in table. Please take a pair of gloves and wear them at all times while in the workshop. You should remove and discard them when leaving the workshop.
Everyone can use the kitchen so long as there is a chair available. There are 12 chairs in that space, and a limit of 12 members at any time. So, there will be 2 shifts for morning tea – 9:00 till 10:15 and 10:15 until 11:45. If you are in the kitchen then, please help with cleaning and sanitising the area before the shed is closed.
For the good of all, please do your best to maintain social distance of 1.5 metres between yourself and other members nearby.
In the unlikely event that we reach 23 members in the shed at one time, no extras will be admitted until someone leaves.
The front door will remain locked.

Let’s hope this format works for everyone and we can enjoy the full benefit of our Shed. The Exec Committee will review the success of this trial at the end of the week and respond to any need for further refinement.