News of the Burglary
On 25th June 2018 we were welcomed by the site of a breakin and burglary by thieves over the weekend. The culprits gained access by vandalising the door on the southern side of the building and appear to have spent some hours combing the building for power tools after dismantling and removing the security system. Mornington Peninsular News picked up the story.

Thanks to the great publicity by Mornington Peninsula News (MPN) given to the Shed’s misfortune from the Burglary, we received great support from local businesses, particularly Stillwater Restaurant at Crittendens, and Bunnings. Stillwater’s owner, Zac Poulier, actually came down to present us with a bank cheque for $1,000 to cover our insurance excess. Our long and loyal supporter, Bunnings responded with the donation of a new drop saw.
During the weeks following the initial article in MPN we had many new applications for membership of the Shed and there is little doubt that this was partly due to the publicity received as a result of the burglary.
Ultimately our claim was successfully processed by which time much of the equipment stolen from the Shed had been replaced in one form or another. While the claim did not wholly cover the amount lost at the time, we came out the other end of this sad episode better off than ever.

Zac Poulier, proprietor of Stillwater at Crittendens, with President Jeff Hodgkinson and VP Graeme Morris